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Imagine a place with the atmosphere of your very own shed; tools, wood, metal, paint, half finished projects; with the benefit of having other people around who might just have an easier way to do something or some tips on how to do it if you are unsure. Lots of people with the same interests, classes where you can share your knowledge with others, space to sit and have some lunch or a cuppa and a chat. A place designed for a range of activities but one that has very specific times and activities exclusively for blokes.

The Traralgon Neighbourhood Learning House is currently working on establishing a “Men’s Shed.” In reality it will probably be a multi purpose facility that many community organisations will have access to and offering an array of activities however the initial emphasis is on getting a shed happening.

The shed is a long term project for the Neighbourhood House and is in the process of forming a group of men who would be interested in helping to achieve the goal of having a shed.

In addition we are seeking input from any community members who feel they have something to contribute initially:

Are you interested in helping with:

  • sourcing funding
  • able to help financially
  • contribute to applications and submissions for funding
  • assist with networking assist with promotion
  • be involved in a working committee

When the shed is established you might like to:

  • volunteer time to supervise activities
  • involvement in running the facility
  • assist with ongoing networking
  • assist with ongoing promotion

Or you might like to use the facilities:

  • as an individual
  • to work on community projects
  • have skills to share with others
  • to hire the venue

What ever your interest we would welcome hearing from you.
You could contact the Neighbourhood House on 5174 6199, or email